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4-hand Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy



In Craniosacral Therapy (CST) there are various approaches that have different orientations.


  • The mechanical CST includes various techniques to loosen and expand bodily structures.

  • In functional CST, the therapist continues to work with the structures of the body. The slow rhythms (Craniosacral Rhythm) of the body are "listened" to and space is held for the newly establishing balance.

  • In the biodynamic CTS (BCST), no more techniques are used. Ailments are no longer the focus here. The even slower rhythms of life force (mid- and long tide) are now met with a neutral presence. The reorganization of your inherent life force is strengthened, stimulating self-healing.



Clothed, the client lies on the table, while my partner Adam Sippola and I bring our awareness and "listening" hands to the subtle rhythms of your body. We bring our presence to what is, orienting ourselves towards the expressions of health. The touch, which often stays longer in one place, can take place with or without verbal exchange.


Miriam Kislak

Adam Sippola, Smiling man

Adam Sippola

Stillness. Potency. Being. 


In this wide, quiet space of being stress factors and traumata may be felt and witnessed, and life force can begin to flow more freely from within.


It can be a deeply relaxing, trust evoking experience to experience the presence of two trained therapists and four sensitive, benevolent hands at the same time. ​



In BCST ailments are no longer in focus, as life force is supported, which supports the human as a whole. 

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