Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, holistic manual body therapy. The focus of Craniosacral Therapy is the rhythmically pulsating craniosacral system, which consists of the skull (lat. cranium), the sacrum (lat. sacrum) and the meninges and spinal cord membranes. The craniosacral rhythm permeates the entire body and supports various body structures in their function and health. This rhythm and possible changes are perceptible to trained hands. The craniosacral rhythm can be supported by gentle impulses, whereby the body's own self-regulation is stimulated and complaints can be alleviated.
The treatment takes place fully clothed and usually lying on your back. If this is not possible, treatments can also be carried out while sitting. Using gentle manual techniques, the therapist supports the craniosacral rhythm. The treatment can take place in silence or can be verbally accompanied.
On the physical level, Craniosacral Therapy has a balancing and stabilizing effect on the nervous system, blood circulation is increased, digestion is stimulated, joints, muscles and fascia as well as organs are supported in their function. Mentally and emotionally, Craniosacral Therapy promotes a strengthening of orientation towards resources and skills and thus strengthens resilience.

Experience vibrant health in deep connection with the body.
Craniosacral Therapy is suitable
for the regulation of the nervous system, e.g. sleeping disorders, headaches, tinnitus
for support after illnesses and accidents
in preparation for or after an operation
to support the musculoskeletal system, e.g. whiplash, back, shoulder and neck pain, muscle and joint diseases and orthodontic symptoms such as bruxism
to increase organ functions, e.g. digestive problems, asthma, etc.
to promote a healthy endocrine system, e.g. for menstrual and menopausal symptoms
for support in psychologically challenging and traumatic events, in states of exhaustion, burn-out
to deepen embodiment and thus to increase quality of life
Photo by Samael Agreda