Herbalism ​
Herbalism is a form of therapy that uses plants to treat diseases and imbalances. No isolated active ingredients of the plants are used, but the whole plant and its parts such as leaves, roots, flowers, seeds and bark. Each plant has different qualities. I use my knowledge of these properties by selecting the plant properties that lead to your individual plant mixture according to your state of health.​ The plant(s) are usually prescribed in alcoholic extract (tincture).​
At the beginning we discuss what you aim to treat and what your current physical, emotional and psychological state is. For that we go through various questions about energy levels, sleep quality, digestion etc. to determine if your body tends to be in a cold, warm or hot, dry or wet state. Depending on the individual imbalance I will put together a tincture recipe, which will be prepared in the "Chrüterhüsli" at Gerbergasse 69 in Basel and will be ready for you to pick up a day later.

Find holistic support in nature's treasure chest
Depending on the plants prescribed (delivered in tincture format), they have heating, warming or cooling, drying, moisturizing or excretion-promoting effects. By taking your individual tincture physical imbalances can be harmonized naturally and gently, and the body can be supported towards sustainable change.
Herbalism can be applied​
to support the regulation of the menstrual cycle in women, e.g. PMS
to reduce inflammation e.g. rheumatism, arthritis
to regulate the intestines and skin, e.g. constipation, diarrhea, acne, eczema
to increase energy e.g. exhaustion, tiredness
to regulate blood circulation and body temperature e.g. cold extremities, excessive heat and sweating
and much more
Bachflower Therapy
Bachflower Therapy goes back to the English doctor Edward Bach (1886-1936). Bach assumed that every illness has its origin in an emotional imbalance. He identified 38 emotional imbalances. He assigned a flower essence to each emotional imbalance, which has a positive influence on the emotional imbalance and thus contributes to the harmonizing of body and mind. ​
Among others Bachflower Therapy was further developed by Dietmar Krämer. In addition to the emotional imbalances, he also assigned corresponding body zones to the Bachflowers. With this knowledge the corresponding Bachflower can easily be assigned and applied to the physical location of symptom. ​
First we will go through some questions about your current emotional state. From the collected information I then write a recipe that is prepared in the "Chrüsterhüsli" at Gerbergersse 69 in Basel and is ready for you to pick up a day later. Alternatively, I can give you the recipe so that you can have it mixed at your own drugstore. You then take a prescribed amount of droplets (alcohol-based) orally. Additionally the droplets can be applied to the skin.
The Bach flowers have a harmonizing effect on the emotional state.

​Flowers for inner balance
The Bachflowers are suitable for balancing emotions e.g.
difficulty setting boundaries
lack of trust in your own intuition